
Domestic Transportation

不可抗力; (2) 快件本身性质引起的变质、减量、破损或毁灭; (3) 包装方式或容器质量不良,但从外部无法发现; (4) 包装完整,封志无异状,而内件短少或损坏。 发件人发运的国内航空货件,毛重每千克价值分别在人民币20元或200元以上的,发件人可办理声明价值,并按规定交纳声明价值附加费。未办理声明价值的,赔偿最高限额为国内快件毛重每千克20元。办理声明价值的按声明价值赔偿,如声明价值高于实际价值,按实际价值赔偿。 由于发件人或收件人原因致使快件无法按时送达,责任自负;无法送达而需要退运时,本公司可向发件人或收件人收取相应的退运运费、手续费和保管费。 · 索赔期限为收件人签收快件后3天内,超过索赔期限,收件人或发件人未提出赔偿要求,则视为自动放弃索赔权利。Negotiation Support With the unusual high value of products in this industry, pre-contract negotiation tends to be complicated and operation period of the project tends to be long. The logistics cost plays a significant role to the overall production cost. ViewSCM will base on the supply cycle of the specific product in that specific timeframe to analyze and estimate the logistics cost. With this optimized transportation program, our clients are able to strengthen their bargaining position in the negotiation process. Domestic Transportation Oversize and overweight are common product characteristics in machinery & equipment manufacturing sector. With this in nature, it poses great challenge in arranging point to point land transport. We possess thorough knowledge of all different transportation modes. We will evaluate all feasible options along with the cost consideration and recommend the most viable logistics solutions to our clients. International Transportation