

服务网络遍布全国 90 多个大中城市以及国际 100 多个国家和地区。经过几年的迅速发展,公司实力不断增强,业务范围全面覆盖上海及周边城市,为公司进一步发展奠定了良好的基础。 想客户之所想,急客户之所急是港邮不变的服务宗旨。 自成立以来,公司业务量不断增长,业务种类也随着客户的需求不断的丰富更新,服务质量不断提升,顾客满意度也不断提高。到目前为止,公司核心业务涵盖国际快件、国际空运、国内空运等三大板块,此外公司还提供包括运输、包装、装卸等特色增值服务。港邮人时刻为满足客户不同层次需求而尽心竭力!can offer high-quality import of services. by virtue of a strong network of overseas agents and excellent inland logistics services I. agency service content: Import agency includes: import remittance, import licensing and other relevant Services Open letters of credit for import, accept TT, D/P and other methods of Settling accounts Agent and commit processing (with) imported materials and accept customers’ materials for processing manual and other bond services. Agent and commit all kinds of import related official documents, quota and Licenses Commit “3C” certification and “3C” certification free procedures. Accept domestic clients’ appointment to find foreign sellers for clients