

为满足客户需求,我司提供代理报关服务。在广州机场、南沙、新港、有自己的保税仓库,有专业、高效、经验丰富的清关团队。 1、代理空运进出口报关; 2、代理海运进出口报关; 3、代办海运直接转关和二次转关、清关业务 4、代理报检、换检及产地证业务; 5、提供相关咨询服务。 代理商品范围:服装、手袋、玩具、工艺品、电子产品、精密仪器、汽车配件、红酒等货物。 运作方式:客户只需将货清单传真或邮寄至我司,即可代办报关、报检。 For ordinary non-stop goods imported by air, we will be in accordance with the needs of customers, the arrangement of goods directly from abroad in major cities. • For imports by air to transit, or cumbersome import clearance of air cargo, we will be flexible to select multiple ports and a variety of customs clearance, to ensure smooth and timely import air cargo transported to all parts of the country, time and cost savings for customers .