

J.E.T International Air Cargo(ShenZhen)Co., Ltd. is approved by the State Ministry of Foreign Trade and support the Shenzhen Municipal Government set up an international freight forwarding company, is the world’s freight logistics network Alliance (WCA) members of the registered capital of five million yuan . . Company based on the logistics hub in southern China city of Shenzhen, relying on Hong Kong’s free trade port of the facilities, services covering Dongguan, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Ningbo and other cities in China and throughout Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa and other international agent network. The company mainly engaged in international shipping, air freight, express and domestic freight, express and other related logistics services, including booking, transit, warehousing, container disassembly, assembly, customs, insurance, trailers and other multimodal transport services. Together with several well-known enterprise cooperation, and established their own international and domestic express network, while many with international counterparts to establish a good working relationship. Its associated agencies all over Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other regions. Companies at home and abroad customers booking, customs declaration, inspection, transportation, warehousing "one-stop" services, our site provides freight and express mail tracking and tracing, through our advanced information management system, customers can control the flow of goods each a part of the state information, thus ensuring the transportation of goods to customers transparency. Our Companies have been taking riding "integrity, efficiency, professional" spirit of enterprise, and has an experienced, highly dedicated, motivated and innovative team of professionals, providing our customers with safe, accurate, fast, convenient, high quality comprehensive one-stop professional services of international freight transport: including air, sea and air transport, courier, warehousing, customs clearance, customs clearance, commodity inspection, insurance and so on. "Customer First" is our consistent principle of the operation. To this end, we highly concerned about customer satisfaction. Whether cooperation of customers, or potential customers, whether individual customers or customer groups, we follow the customer’s requirements to reduce cost principle, Cang third record profits, service quality win the market, with a good reputation was developed. J.E.T International Air Cargo(ShenZhen)Co., Ltd. will provide you with quality service and reliable supply chain solutions and advance the flow of information security, perseverance, perseverance to improve service standards, adhere to evaluate and improve our customer satisfaction as the standard of work, to "pledge allegiance entrusted, hard service "as our eternal pledge. 在深圳市工商局注册成立的国家一级货运代理企业。公司拥有专业团队和完善的货运网络,以诚信,高效,专业服务为公司的最高服务宗旨。以最优化的运输方案、最合理的运输成本、保证与满足客户需求为我们的服务准则。 公司经营项目有: 一、 海运优势:我们合作的有13家船东: APL、CSCL、WHL、COSCO、 EMC、TSL 、OOCL、 HMM 、MSK 、MSC、KLINE、CMA、 HPL可做东南亚,日本,美国、欧洲到付月结; 二、 空运优势:日本 CX/KZ/NH,小件包裹全球快递,国外快件进口可以上门取件; 三、 报关优势:深圳广州仿牌杂货包柜报关包赔,进口报关代理及52种产品进口批文代理代办; 四、 提供全球基本港口双清服务,对于出口少量货物需要到门派送的样品服务; 五、 提供规避国际反倾销惩罚的部分产品的转口贸易,如铝型材,鞋子,陶瓷,紧固件,纺织面料,轮胎等 六、 提供各国产地证,出口检验检疫证、健康证书、熏蒸、装船前检验(CIQ)、出口商商事证明、代理非洲出口货物电子跟踪单(法语:Bordereau Eletronique de Suivi des Cargaisons); 七、 提供广东省内各码头辐射全国内陆省份的内陆拖车运输,保税仓库一日游; 八、 全国各口岸港口的拼箱业务,为小量样品出口提供散货运输服务; 九、 提供特种柜运输,为锅炉,大型机械设备、汽车、钢材,建筑用设备提供平板柜,开顶柜、框架柜的运输及捆绑服务; 十、 提供国际贸易货物信用结算业务,为来华采购商与国内不具备信用结算的工厂提供代垫付业务; 承办集装箱整箱和拼箱国际进出口业务。 提供仓储业务并代理进出口报关、报检、动植物检疫业务 专业化特种箱服务包括(危险品、开顶箱、框架箱、冷冻箱) 接受多式联运(包括海铁联运、海空联运和内河支线服务) 全套仓储服务不仅只限于对货物的保管,还提供很多增值服务,如货物的集运及分拨,存货清 单管理,包装、装卸、分类、贴唛、托盘,熏蒸及其他特殊的服务 良好的国内外代理关系网络。 提供进口货物调单、清关、报验、动植物检疫、码头接货、送货和储运一站式服务 集装箱整箱直提和拼箱货物的拆箱分拨服务 及时向国内外收货人、发货人发送到货信息 内陆转运业务 海运进出口 空运进出口 承办空运货物国际进出口业务 代理进出口报关、清关、监管转运、商检、动植物检疫及卫检业务 进口货物的分拨和转运服务 特殊货物的包装、短驳服务和仓储服务 国内空运 进出口货物的动态跟踪 空运进出口 内陆运输 车队接受集装箱、散货和特种货物业务 车队配备全球定位系统,及时把握货物陆路运输状态,提供准时准点服务。 驾驶员标准化流程运作。在提箱、装箱和运箱过程中随时与调度互通情况,接受指令。 车队每天24小时运作。建立特需服务快速反应机制 接受超重,超尺寸,敏感货物的运输J.E.T International Air Cargo(ShenZhen)Co., Ltd. is approved by the State Ministry of Foreign Trade and support the Shenzhen Municipal Government set up an international freight forwarding company, is the world’s freight logistics network Alliance (WCA) members of the registered capital of five million yuan . . Company based on the logistics hub in southern China city of Shenzhen, relying on Hong Kong’s free trade port of the facilities, services covering Dongguan, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Ningbo and other cities in China and throughout Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa and other international agent network. The company mainly engaged in international shipping, air freight, express and domestic freight, express and other related logistics services, including booking, transit, warehousing, container disassembly, assembly, customs, insurance, trailers and other multimodal transport services. Together with several well-known enterprise cooperation, and established their own international and domestic express network, while many with international counterparts to establish a good working relationship. Its associated agencies all over Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other regions. Companies at home and abroad customers booking, customs declaration, inspection, transportation, warehousing "one-stop" services, our site provides freight and express mail tracking and tracing, through our advanced information management system, customers can control the flow of goods each a part of the state information, thus ensuring the transportation of goods to customers transparency. Our Companies have been taking riding "integrity, efficiency, professional" spirit of enterprise, and has an experienced, highly dedicated, motivated and innovative team of professionals, providing our customers with safe, accurate, fast, convenient, high quality comprehensive one-stop professional services of international freight transport: including air, sea and air transport, courier, warehousing, customs clearance, customs clearance, commodity inspection, insurance and so on. "Customer First" is our consistent principle of the operation. To this end, we highly concerned about customer satisfaction. Whether cooperation of customers, or potential customers, whether individual customers or customer groups, we follow the customer’s requirements to reduce cost principle, Cang third record profits, service quality win the market, with a good reputation was developed. J.E.T International Air Cargo(ShenZhen)Co., Ltd. will provide you with quality service and reliable supply chain solutions and advance the flow of information security, perseverance, perseverance to improve service standards, adhere to evaluate and improve our customer satisfaction as the standard of work, to "pledge allegiance entrusted, hard service "as our eternal pledge. 在深圳市工商局注册成立的国家一级货运代理企业。公司拥有专业团队和完善的货运网络,以诚信,高效,专业服务为公司的最高服务宗旨。以最优化的运输方案、最合理的运输成本、保证与满足客户需求为我们的服务准则。 公司经营项目有: 一、 海运优势:我们合作的有13家船东: APL、CSCL、WHL、COSCO、 EMC、TSL 、OOCL、 HMM 、MSK 、MSC、KLINE、CMA、 HPL可做东南亚,日本,美国、欧洲到付月结; 二、 空运优势:日本 CX/KZ/NH,小件包裹全球快递,国外快件进口可以上门取件; 三、 报关优势:深圳广州仿牌杂货包柜报关包赔,进口报关代理及52种产品进口批文代理代办; 四、 提供全球基本港口双清服务,对于出口少量货物需要到门派送的样品服务; 五、 提供规避国际反倾销惩罚的部分产品的转口贸易,如铝型材,鞋子,陶瓷,紧固件,纺织面料,轮胎等 六、 提供各国产地证,出口检验检疫证、健康证书、熏蒸、装船前检验(CIQ)、出口商商事证明、代理非洲出口货物电子跟踪单(法语:Bordereau Eletronique de Suivi des Cargaisons); 七、 提供广东省内各码头辐射全国内陆省份的内陆拖车运输,保税仓库一日游; 八、 全国各口岸港口的拼箱业务,为小量样品出口提供散货运输服务; 九、 提供特种柜运输,为锅炉,大型机械设备、汽车、钢材,建筑用设备提供平板柜,开顶柜、框架柜的运输及捆绑服务; 十、 提供国际贸易货物信用结算业务,为来华采购商与国内不具备信用结算的工厂提供代垫付业务; 承办集装箱整箱和拼箱国际进出口业务。 提供仓储业务并代理进出口报关、报检、动植物检疫业务 专业化特种箱服务包括(危险品、开顶箱、框架箱、冷冻箱) 接受多式联运(包括海铁联运、海空联运和内河支线服务) 全套仓储服务不仅只限于对货物的保管,还提供很多增值服务,如货物的集运及分拨,存货清 单管理,包装、装卸、分类、贴唛、托盘,熏蒸及其他特殊的服务 良好的国内外代理关系网络。 提供进口货物调单、清关、报验、动植物检疫、码头接货、送货和储运一站式服务 集装箱整箱直提和拼箱货物的拆箱分拨服务 及时向国内外收货人、发货人发送到货信息 内陆转运业务 海运进出口 空运进出口 承办空运货物国际进出口业务 代理进出口报关、清关、监管转运、商检、动植物检疫及卫检业务 进口货物的分拨和转运服务 特殊货物的包装、短驳服务和仓储服务 国内空运 进出口货物的动态跟踪 空运进出口 内陆运输 车队接受集装箱、散货和特种货物业务 车队配备全球定位系统,及时把握货物陆路运输状态,提供准时准点服务。 驾驶员标准化流程运作。在提箱、装箱和运箱过程中随时与调度互通情况,接受指令。 车队每天24小时运作。建立特需服务快速反应机制 接受超重,超尺寸,敏感货物的运输  海运出口   本公司为客户提供高质量与高价格优势的国际海运出口业务,以承运人身份,以安全、准确、迅速、低成本为宗旨,接受直接客户或同行客户的业务总包或者分包,为客户提供从境内发货处提取货物,组织国际运输活动并分拨派送至境外收货人指定交货点的门到门一站式综合物流服务,准确及时地反映货物在运输全过程中的货物流、单证流、信息流和资金流。   客户可以根据自身需要选择服务范围(门到门,港口到港口,港口到门)和时间要求。我们将为客户 提供包括可以利用的最快船期和最经济船期在内的多种运输方案,并实时对货物进行控制,目前本公司已与各主要船公司实现EDI电子数据交换,实现第一时间获取船公司的相关物流信息并结合IT系统满足您的跟踪和追溯要求。该服务每年365天,每周7天,每天24小时不间断提供。   海运进口   本公司的海运进口服务,以安全、准确、迅速、低成本为宗旨,向客户提供世界各地进口至中国货物从发货点运抵我国口岸并派送至收货人指定点的业务总包或者分包,全面、准确、及时地反映货物在运输过程中的状态和信息。   本公司的海运进口服务,主要包括境外工厂提货、单证制作及管理、配载集运、关务以及货物抵达中国港口后的整箱直提、拼箱拆箱、一关三检、仓储、分拣分拨、转关、派送等的门到门一站式全过程综合物流服务。   本公司具有海运进口分拨资质,拥有一批具备资质和经验丰富的报关、报检、运输及仓储专业人员;海关监管车运输及信息系统方便快捷地进行货物转关、运输和跟踪。